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Does Braun have the Best Epilators For Women?
For decades, women have gone above and beyond to remove hair from legs, underarms, face, and the bikini area. Women have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on waxing, razors, shaving cream, sugaring, and tweezers, in hopes of removing pesky hair permanently.
In the era of modern urban women, who are confident with their own skin and sexuality, hair less skin is in vogue and considered both attractive and desirable. For women who want to remove body hair, waxing appears to be the go-to method to remove hair temporarily or permanently. Unfortunately, more often than not, waxing can leave your skin feeling a bit stubbly. Because of this, a lot of women have turned to epilators.
Epilators have become a godsend for most women because the hair removal results last much longer than any other hair removal system out there (other than lasers and electrolysis). Epilators remove hair at the root using spinning tweezers. Epilady was the first epilator on the market in 1986 and it was not well-received. Women referred to it as a “medieval torture device.” The device caused women an immense amount of pain and it forced women to return back to shaving.
While epilators are not for everyone, today’s epilators have come a long way and are far less painful than when they first came on the market in 1986. They still cause some pain, but the results more than make up for the. With technological advances being made in the last decade, some epilator models can even be used underwater.
There are many epilators out there, but what epilator is the best? “What epilator will cause the least amount of pain and give me lasting results?”
1. Braun Silk Epil 9 – The All Round Best Epilator for Women
Braun seems to be the go-to brand for practically everything. From electric shavers to electric toothbrushes, people all across the world seem to trust this brand. The Braun Silk Epil 9 epilator is no different. Women seem to trust this Braun product, which is why it is named the number one epilator brand.
The slim profile of this device fits comfortably in your hand, allowing you to shave with ease. The epilator also has a durable head, which allows for gentle shaving around the knee area. What makes this epilator over-the-top amazing is the fact that it is an epilator that you can use all over your body.
The Braun Silk Epil 9 has several attachments which enables this all over body treatment:
- Shaver head
- Trimmer cap
- Sensitive area cap
- Facial cap
The shaver head is used to trim hair to the correct length for epilating. If you epilate longer hair, it will be extremely painful.
All Braun epilators can be used underwater and are cordless for convenience. There are a lot of benefits to using an epilator underwater, but one of the key benefits is that it hurts less. Also, using it in the shower or bath makes the process less messy. The epilator comes with an LED light, which is a godsend to have. It can help light up those hard to see areas so you do not have to go just by feel alone.
On the flip side, there are drawbacks to using an epilator underwater. It is harder to see what you are doing. Also, you have to take into account that wet hair is much weaker than dry hair. Plus the tweezer heads on the epilator may not get a good grip on the hair and completely miss a few spots. Make sure you double-check your epilated areas if you are epilating underwater.
As far as the cordless feature is concerned there are a lot of benefits. Many people love the cordless epilator because they do not have to worry about the cord being in their way. You do not have to deal with being glued to an outlet. This epilator charges within an hour and you get 40 minutes to operate the epilator.
For safety and common sense reasons, you cannot use the epilator while it is charging. If the epilator battery is dead, you cannot use it until it is fully charged.
Experts urge those who epilate to exfoliate before and after epilation. Exfoliation helps prevent ingrown hairs and it also prevents hair from growing incorrectly.
Check Braun Silk Epil 9 Price on Amazon
Pain While Epilating
The Braun Silk Epil 9 comes with a high frequency massaging system. This massages the skin while pressure is applied, which helps make you more comfortable as you get used to the epilator. While the massaging vibrations can distract you from the pain, the amount of pain that you could possibly feel depends on your hair and skin type. It also depends on the area of the body that is being epilated. Also, if you have been epilating your body for many years, you will not be in as much pain as your body has become used to the process.
2. Emjoi AP-18 Emagine Epilator – Focus on Underarms
This epilator contains 72 tweezers, which is awesome for women who do not have a lot of time to spend on the epilation process. You can read the full review in the top 5 best epilators for underams.
3. Remington EP7030 Epilator – Focus on Facial Hair
This epilator is perfect for the face and body. The attachment for epilating the face is said to bring better results than even the Braun epilator. The Remington epilator has two speeds and it is also a wet and dry model. The slow speed on this Remington epilator makes it very safe to use on your face. You can read the full review in the top 3 best epilators for facial hair.
4. Philips HP6576/HP6401 Satinelle Epilator – Focus on Underarms
This model features ceramic tweezers, which are known to grab hair better than metal tweezers. Unfortunately, it is not a cordless epilator. It also does not feature an LED light and it may not remove hair as fast as the Braun epilator does.
Franz is an expert in watches and grooming. He has extensive knowledge of mechanical watches and loves exploring the details that make each one unique. He's also passionate about helping men look their best and shares tips on grooming, including achieving a perfect shave or maintaining a healthy beard. Franz is a go-to source for anyone looking to elevate their style game. Linkedin:
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