Comments on: Cellulite Removal: Every Woman’s Quest for Effective Treatment Reviews for Luxury, Style, Beauty, Fitness & the Home Tue, 20 Jun 2023 09:18:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Osvaldo Cooley Mon, 16 Nov 2020 00:36:44 +0000 I would also like to talk a little bit of the surgical treatment is proposed here, like the injection of fat…this is to me a treatment that shouldn’t even been considered, I understand a lot of doctors offer this surgery, however, we need to understand two concepts:

  1. the muscle gives the contour of the body
  2. the skin gives the smoothness

So fat has no relationship from a cosmetic point of view, as fat is amorfous…meaning that it can not shape the body, yes maybe at the beginning will do it, however, on a long term, and this is something I have seen in many patients, is the fact that with the time it becomes lumpy, and that fat is difficult to remove if not almost impossible by non-invasive methods.

So I will suggest non-invasive methods 100% like radiofrequency, lipo-laser, electromuscular stimulation and some semi-invasive like microneedling with the right type of serum applied.

By: Osvaldo Cooley Mon, 16 Nov 2020 00:29:27 +0000 Hi Lisa,
thank you for the article, is is great all the time and effort you put on it, however there are few points that I think have to be clarify so your audience understands better what cellulite is.
Before that, let me introduce myself so you see I’m not just someone here trying to critizise anything but to add to your article, my name is Osvaldo Cooley, I’m a register dermal clinician and have been treating very effectively cellulite as my specialty for the last 20 years in Mexico and Australia.

#1 even though fat is a component that can be present in cellulite, it is not the cause of cellulite, and that is why most of the practitioners (GP and beauty therapist) can’t treat it effectively.

We first need to know the anatomy of the region, the skin is attached to the muscle by elastic fibers that work like rubber bands, if you gain weight or fat, this elastic fibers stretch enough to avoid the appearance of cellulite, and that is why you can see big ladies with no cellulite and thin ladies with cellulite…..when the microcirculation in the area is not working well, the blood starts leaking out of the veins…this blood is toxic outside of the veins and cause something called ‘Fibrosis’

Fibrosis means hardening….so that means that those elastic fibers become hard and stop stretching when ladies gain some fat….but as you can see the fat is not the reason for the cellulite, is the bad circulation, the toxicity of the blood, the hardening of the elastic fibers, and you can add obviously the hormonal component, but not because of the attachement of fat with strogens, but because of the problems that hormones cause to the circulation.

Most women who started on contraception at an early age, will develop if not varicose veins, at least reticular and spider veins…..and therefore their microcirculation will be affected as well.

So hormones are relevant due to the effect on the circulation. finally when circulation is not good, lymphatic drainage is not good as well, as the inner system becomes to viscous…lymphatic system works with liquid…the more diluted the inner system is the better it works…lack of circulation make it to store more toxins and most of all heavy metals which makes the inner system really viscous and difficult for the lymphatic system to detox….

therefore the treatment has to be directed to:

  1. Improve circulation
  2. break the fibrotic tissue
  3. Improve lymphatic drainage
  4. smooth the skin
  5. if necessary, break some fat, but this is the less of the problems.

Hope this helps your audience to understand the problem more deeply.

By: Terry carrico Thu, 30 May 2019 12:09:33 +0000 Thanks! Stretch marks can be annoying. I know we need these tips in the age of well 30 or after pregnancy. I’ll definitely try that whole procedure. This is a piece of amazing information and I really hope it works also. In fact, I will recommend to all. Thanks once again.

By: Johnnie Jones Mon, 03 Oct 2016 06:30:36 +0000 Thank you for sharing
