Comments on: High Quality Panasonic ES-LA93-K And ES-LA63-S Arc 4 Review Reviews for Luxury, Style, Beauty, Fitness & the Home Wed, 05 Jul 2023 07:22:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Groom+Style Sat, 21 Dec 2019 21:16:54 +0000 In reply to mark swirsky.

Hi Mark,
I have looked around and unfortunately I could not find any retailers just selling the cleaning station.
Could you try reaching out to Panasonic customer service directly and see if they can help?
Kind Regards,

By: mark swirsky Thu, 19 Dec 2019 23:31:04 +0000 any idea how i can purchase just the cleaning station for my Panasonic ES-LA63-S Arc4? when i bought mine a couple of years ago it didn’t come with one

By: Groom+Style Mon, 04 Mar 2019 10:12:42 +0000 In reply to Richard Blair.

Hi Richard,

I hope all is well, thanks for your question and comment.

I am curious to know exactly what happens to the foils on your Wahl Five Start Series face shaver and how they wear out – 30 days seems like a very short time frame. Are there cracks appearing in the foils? I assume you are talking about the foils specifically and not the cutters wearing out – or do you replace the foils and cutters every 30 days? Because if you are spending US $360 a year on replacement foils I believe this is excessive, and that there are better options available for you i.e. even if you are using the shaver on your head as well.

Wahl Five Start Series face shaver link to product on Amazon ->

Firstly, I would look at how you are cleaning and caring for your foils and cutters on your shaver. Are you cleaning then after every use? The following article will give you some tips.

The key point is to clean it regularly, use the little brush to remove all the excess hair then wash the cutters and foil under hot water. Then finally use a product like Shaver Saver -> link to product on Amazon

This will lubricate the cutters and foil which is critical to keeping them sharp and moving smoothly, which will extend their life.

The other alternative for you is to update your shaver to one that comes with a clean and charge station eg. like the Panasonic Arc4 in this article. Or you can invest in the latest model Panasonic Arc5 or Braun Series 9. We talk about how these shavers can be used for head (and of course face shaving) in this article…

Hope this helps, and do let us know if you have any follow up questions.

Kind Regards,

By: Richard Blair Sun, 03 Mar 2019 16:17:46 +0000 I am curious about the durability of the foil for all these foil shavers. I am using a Wahl 5 star foil shaver and the foils wear out very quickly when head shaving, about 30 days if I am lucky. Bye the bye, the face shave and head shave is very close and smooth with this razor for me. I shave both head and face daily, My head. Stubble is quite coarse. The foils are about $30. Also, I have tried the norelco 4500 rotary shaver, does well on the face but not on the head. Also seems to be very under-powered and takes several passes. I have enjoyed your commentary, and comparisons greatly,

By: GroomNStyle Sun, 14 Aug 2016 20:50:34 +0000 In reply to Alex.

Hi Alex,
The screen is not fully symmetrical, but is roughly 3cm in length and 1.5cm wide…
– Lisa
