Beard Trimming 101 – How to Trim a Beard Effectively

Man Trimming Beard

So, you have invested the time to cultivate and grow a nice manly beard which is no small feat.  Now it’s getting slightly out of hand and you need to trim your beard, which should be a simple task, right? That is: just find a trimmer, pick the length, and then you trim off the overgrowth. … Read more

How to Fully Appreciate Red Wine

smell red wine

Never hold a glass of wine by the bowl, always hold the stem. Call it a ‘nose’ not a ‘bouquet’ and swirl three, perhaps four times at most. Alright, there are some pretty weird-sounding rules when it comes to tasting wine, but it’s nothing to be intimidated by, and if you really are interested in … Read more

Looking for Nice Clothing: Your Online Shopping Guide

Nice Clothing - shopping online

Looking for Nice Clothing: Your Online Shopping Guide Shopping for clothing online can be mind-boggling. Photographs of models are deceptive or even photoshopped, making it hard to judge fit, sizing, and material quality. No matter what site you visit, you find that every item is branded and promoted in such a way that it promises … Read more

The Men’s Guide to Fragrances for Beginners

men's guide to fragrances FI

A lot of men shy away from using fragrance, despite the evidence that scent makes a huge impression on the people around them, including women, coworkers, and bosses. Fragrance adds to a person’s invisible style, as it helps with wordless communication and makes someone appear put-together and well-groomed. Additionally, a good cologne can add psychological … Read more

How to Soften a Beard? Follow These Effective Steps

How to Soften a Beard

Does your beard start to feel prickly? Is your partner complaining about your sandpaper beard? No worries, she will never leave you if you take care of everything quickly! A full beard can enhance your masculine image, making you look more attractive to yourself or your partner. If you have a fine, smooth beard, you’ll … Read more