Comments on: New vs. Traditional Luxury Watchmakers – Top 13 Pieces to be Aware of in 2025 Reviews for Luxury, Style, Beauty, Fitness & the Home Mon, 17 Jul 2023 04:36:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Groom+Style Sat, 01 Jun 2019 16:14:38 +0000 In reply to Justin Mastine-Frost.

Hi Justin,

Thanks for the comment, yes it does look like we accidentally placed Girard Perregaux in the new watchmakers and LIV in the veterans, this has now been corrected and the editor is doing penance.

Our readers come from all walks of life, and along with die-hard watch fanatics we find people who like something less demanding. This is why we have published a wide array of offerings, trying to discover a few of the most interesting and notable watchmakers for everyone.

For instance, the Baume series is a new take on an old and traditional brand (it is a new brand stemming from Baume et Mercier), and it is made for the Millennials – so it could go in both categories. The same can be said of Vortic, which upcycles old movements into modern watches. The Beijing Watch Company is not new at all, but it is very new in the Western world – representing a great novelty, which watch fans should follow with interest.

So, as said, there are explanations why we – apart from the little mixup detailed above – have chosen this format.

But feel free to disagree, that is what makes the world of horology so fascinating.

Kind Regards,
Pierce and Franz

By: Justin Mastine-Frost Fri, 31 May 2019 13:17:55 +0000 This is terrible. If you’re going to write long format like this on the watch industry, I suggest having a clue what you’re talking about. Your “new school” includes older established brands, and your “Veterans” include a kickstarter-special brand that’s only been around a few years. This is a joke, but way to try and beat the google algorithms….
