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Comparing Braun Series 9 Shavers – The Review
Engineering Breakthroughs Creating The Ultimate, Luxurious Shave!
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Every razor manufacturer brags about their incredible engineering breakthroughs and the unparalleled shaving comfort their products provide. Despite their “major improvements” and “innovative shaving technology,” most of these ground-breaking products basically deliver the same shave their earlier models produced.
What a shaver! The Braun Series 9 (model 9290cc).Except for Braun. Its Series 9 shavers really are different – and better than ever. We’ll be providing a full Braun Series 9 comparison of models in this article, but first, a few words about this line of shavers.
Braun – Marketing Claims That Actually Deliver
Like other companies releasing new products, Braun uses more than enough techno-speak and superlatives to satisfy any marketing department: “Intelligent SyncroSonic Technology,” “HyperLift Technology,” “40,000 cross-cutting actions per minute,” “world’s best shaver in efficiency and skin comfort.” The difference is that Braun has such a long and storied history of producing high-quality electric razors that their claims don’t ring hollow.
Braun Series 9 shaver head breakdown (photo from the box).The company has added an extra cutting element to its Series 9 models (making a total of four shearing elements), and the 40,000 cuts per minute we just mentioned really do make a difference – the previous Series 7 shavers only provided 10,000 cuts per minute.
Braun Series 9 (model 9290cc) shaver on its box.Braun says those two changes have improved the overall shaving experience by 40%, by making the razors more powerful and faster; Groom+Style can’t vouch for the percentage, but there’s no question about the vast improvement. The heads on Series 9 models also provide better flexibility, easily adjusting to your preferred shaving angles. Finally, we think these shavers look better, too.
OK – it’s time for our in-depth comparison of Braun Series 9 shavers.
Braun Series 9-9295cc Men’s Wet/Dry Shaving and Cleaning System. Click the photo to see the Price on Amazon.The Braun Series 9 is a lot of shaver. There’s no need to spend a lot of time discussing the mechanical quality of any Braun razor, and this one certainly exhibits all of the German-made quality you would expect from the company.
The latest (main) Braun Series 9 shaver models are the 9295cc, 9290cc and the 9293s. The latest models start with 92xx and the slightly older models start with 90xx.
Differences between the Braun Series 92xx Shavers and the Braun Series 90xx Shavers
There are no performance difference between the 92xx range and the 90xx shavers. The key difference is that Braun Series 92xx models come with the new and improved Shaver Head Replacement Cassette (Braun 92s replacement head), which has been made with a more durable titanium coated HyperLift&Cut trimmer.
This new Shaver Head (92s) should be the one you buy even if you have an older Braun Series 9 shaver.
Braun Series 9 Cleaning and Charging System
Braun Series 9 (model 9290cc) in its Clean and Charge station.The Braun Series 9 Shavers come with the new five-action cleaning and charging system. Braun has made major improvements over the cleaner/charger that came with its Series 7 razors.
Specifically, the models that end in ‘cc’ come with the cleaning and charging system, the models that end with ‘s’, do not come with the cleaning and charging station.
Braun claims this is the world’s only alcohol-based, five-action cleaning station; it cleans the shaving head hygienically and completely (leaving no hair or bacteria behind), sterilizes the head and then dries it with a built-in fan, lubricates the inner workings, and charges the shaver so it’s ready for its next use.
All you have to do is put the razor into the proper slot and press a button; the right cleaning program (determined by when the razor was last cleaned) will be selected and activated automatically. The shaver really does perform like it’s new out of the box after each full cleaning.
Good Looks and Ergonomic Design
The Braun Series 9 shavers are the most attractive razor Braun has manufactured in its long history.
Beautifully designed Braun Series 9 (model 9290cc) in its travel case.It is silver (with a chrome option as well) and dark grey (and the cleaning/charging unit is a matching black and grey) with a modern blue LCD display (including a battery life display which wasn’t provided in Series 7 models). It is also terrific in terms of its ergonomic design, somewhat reminiscent of Series 5 shavers with a comfortable curved and tapered handle which won’t slip out of your hand.
The Braun 9295cc model has the Chrome finish and the Braun 9290cc comes in Silver.
Amazing Shave, Second to None!
You’ve probably noticed by now that the review hasn’t addressed the actual shave you’ll get from the Braun Series 9 Shavers. That’s because there’s little to distinguish this shave from those you’ll experience with any of the other razors in the Series 9 line – they’re all terrific.
Braun Series 9 (model 9290cc) shaver head that is responsible for delivering such a fast and effective shave, even on 3-day+ stubble, and those problematic areas of the neck and chin.We’ve already discussed many of the reasons, including the extra cutting element and the tremendous increase in the number of cuts per minute made possible by the SyncroSonic technology pioneered in this line. Combine those improvements with the traditionally stellar performance made possible by Braun’s HyperLift (to lift hairs from your face before cutting) and OptiFoil (to shield your skin from direct blade contact) features seen in previous models, and you have a close shave without nicks that you probably never thought was possible with an electric razor.
Start by attacking those really long and problematic hairs (on the neck and chin) with the pop-up trimmer to start with – then finish them off with the shaver!Even if you have coarse facial hair or a thick beard, you’ll be very impressed. Specifications of the Braun Series 9 9095cc Wet & Dry Shaving and Cleaning System: - Dimensions/Weight: 6 x 3 x 9 inches, 2.6 pounds
- Power: Rechargeable lithium-ion battery, cordless
- Charge Time: 60 minutes (5-minute quick charge option)
- Cordless Shaving Time: 50 minutes
- Wet/Dry: Yes – but not wet shaving with gel or foam as it interferes with the cleaning station
- Waterproof: Yes, up to 16 feet
- Cleaner/Charger Unit: Yes
- Multi-Lock Head: Yes, five angles
- Precision Trimmer: Yes
- Travel Lock: Yes
- Replacement Requirements: New shaver head every two years, new cleaner cartridge every 3-4 months
- Warranty: Two years
- Suitable as a Travel Shaver: Yes, automatic 100-240 voltage (AC adapter/charger), travel pouch included, and travel lock
Check Braun Series 9-9295 cc Price On Amazon – chrome finish Check Braun Series 9-9290 cc Price On Amazon – silver finish Check Braun Series 9-9293 cc Price On Amazon – no cleaning station |
The standout difference between the 9095 and most of the older entries in Series 9 (see below) is the fact that this is a wet and dry system, meaning you can use it like a traditional electric razor, you can moisten your face before shaving.
It is also completely waterproof, so you can safely take the shaver into the shower or tub with you instead of being stuck in front of your bathroom or bedroom mirror. At the same time, the 9095cc does not support corded shaving.
If you want exactly the same shaver as the 9095cc, without the cleaning station, to save some money or so you can shave in the shower with gels and foam, then check out the Braun 9093s.
It is important to understand that for the Braun 9095cc wet shaving, does not include shaving with gels and foam for models which use the cleaning and charging station. If you want to use gel or foam, as you have sensitive skin, then look for the latest 92xx models (above) or in the 90xx range those models with the suffix of “s”, like 9093s or 9040s, which do not come with the cleaning station. In effect, the gel or foam seems to affect the cleaning station on the 90xx range, and if you are not careful using of gels and foam could void the warranty. Although Groom+Style cannot recommend it, as it might be voiding your guarantee, the team have heard that some customers use the 9095cc with gel and foam (as the shaving technically can support this) then wash the shaver before putting it in the cleaning station. Check Braun Series 9-9095 cc Price On Amazon – earlier model Check Braun Series 9-9093s Price on Amazon |
Braun Series 9 9090cc Dry Shaver & Cleaning System. Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.Our summaries of the other three shavers in the Braun Series 9 line will be much shorter than the above review of the 9295cc and 9095cc. If you’ve been reading closely, you’ll understand why: all of the models in the product line are pretty close to identical, both in performance and in features.
The first major difference between the 9090cc and the 9095cc is that this model is not a wet/dry razor – you can still clean it under running water, but it is not recommended to take it into the shower.
It’s intended for traditional dry, electric shaving only. However, there are two benefits which come with a dry shaver. First, you’re able to use the 9090 either cordless or with the electric cord attached to the wall as you shave. Second (and probably more importantly), it’s less expensive than the 9095 wet/dry shaver.
The Braun 9090 is good looking but not quite as compact or striking as the 9095 (it’s all silver rather than silver and black) – but it’s pretty darn close, and a great shaver. Checking the specs of the Braun Series 9 9090cc Electric Shaver with Cleaning Center: - Dimensions/Weight: 6 x 6 x 10 inches, 2.6 pounds
- Power: Rechargeable lithium-ion battery, cordless/corded
- Charge Time: 60 minutes (5-minute quick charge option)
- Cordless Shaving Time: 50 minutes
- Wet/Dry: No, only dry shaving
- Waterproof: Yes, up to 16 feet
- Cleaner/Charger Unit: Yes
- Multi-Lock Head: Yes, five angles
- Precision Trimmer: Yes
- Travel Lock: Yes
- Replacement Requirements: New shaver head every two years, new cleaner cartridge every 3-4 months
- Warranty: Two years
Check Braun Series 9 9090cc Price On Amazon |
Braun Series 9 9050cc Shaver – Dry Shaver & Cleaning System. Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.You’ve probably guessed this by now – the Braun 9050 is basically the same razor as the two we’ve already looked at, but there are a few extra differences as we move down the ladder of the Series 9 line. One critical fact that American readers should know is that the 9050 is difficult to find in the U.S., although it’s easily purchased through European retailers and online sites.
Putting aside the question of availability, the 9050cc is almost identical to the Braun 9090; it’s a dry shaver, it is versatile, waterproof for washing and can be used either in corded or cordless mode, and it provides a wonderful, close shave based on the same SyncroSonic technology.
The only real differences are that the razor is black instead of silver and that the included cleaning system isn’t quite as powerful and doesn’t have an automatic programming mode. The good news is that you can purchase the cleaning center which comes with the higher-level models as a separate accessory, and the 9050 is fully compatible with it.
If you can find this model, it’s worth checking out. Checking the specs of the Braun Series 9 9050cc Electric Shaver with Cleaning Center: - Dimensions/Weight: 6 x 6 x 10 inches, 2.6 pounds
- Power: Rechargeable lithium-ion battery, cordless/corded
- Charge Time: 60 minutes (5-minute quick charge option)
- Cordless Shaving Time: 50 minutes
- Wet/Dry: No, only dry shaving
- Waterproof: Yes, up to 16 feet
- Cleaner/Charger Unit: Yes
- Multi-Lock Head: Yes, five angles
- Precision Trimmer: Yes
- Travel Lock: Yes
- Replacement Requirements: New shaver head every two years, new cleaner cartridge every 3-4 months
- Warranty: Two years
Check Braun Series 9050cc Price on Amazon UK |
Braun Series 9 9040s Wet & Dry Shaver – With Gels and Foam. Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.The Braun Series 9 9040s, which costs less than the top-of-the-line 9095cc is also difficult to find in the U.S.
The primary reason the 9040 is much less expensive is that it does not come with a cleaning station; in fact, it isn’t compatible with any Braun cleaning systems, so you have to clean it the good old-fashioned way with a brush and water (and soap if you so choose). This model is still waterproof, though, so there’s no problem there.
The real plus to the 9040s is that it is a wet and dry razor, so you can use it either as a conventional electric shaver or with gel or shaving cream. Yes, when shaving with the model 9040s, you should shave your beard using shaving gel or foam. As with all wet & dry models, the operation is cordless only. Oh, we also should mention that it’s the lightest of all the Series 9 shavers and if the color matters to you, it’s basic black.
For a shave that’s this close and comfortable, and at a much lower price than Braun’s top Series 9 models, cleaning your razor by hand isn’t a bad option at all. Details of the Braun Series 9 9040s Wet & Dry Shaver: - Dimensions/Weight: 6 x 6 x 10 inches, 1.3 pounds
- Power: Rechargeable lithium-ion battery, cordless
- Charge Time: 60 minutes (5-minute quick charge option)
- Cordless Shaving Time: 50 minutes
- Wet/Dry: Yes, wet shaving is possible with gel and foam
- Waterproof: Yes, up to 16 feet
- Cleaner/Charger Unit: No
- Multi-Lock Head: Yes, five angles
- Precision Trimmer: Yes
- Travel Lock: Yes
- Replacement Requirements: New shaver head every two years, new cleaner cartridge every 3-4 months
- Warranty: Two years
Check Braun Series 9 9040s Price on Amazon UK |
P.S We haven’t managed to find 9050 and 9040s on Amazon US yet. We will continue to monitor and update link to them when they are available. Watch This Space!
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