Franz Rivoira – Groom+Style Reviews for Luxury, Style, Beauty, Fitness & the Home Wed, 02 Aug 2023 07:39:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Franz Rivoira – Groom+Style 32 32 How to Clean and Maintain an Electric Shaver Properly – Top Tips Sat, 10 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Read more]]>
clean shaver

How to Clean and Maintain an Electric Shaver Properly – Top Tips

You’ve picked out your new electric shaver, or you received it as a gift, and you’re excited to start using it. Or, maybe you’re still researching the best type of electric razor to buy for your needs. If so, you should check out our list of the Top 5 best men’s shavers.

An electric shaver will give you a close and smooth shave without any cuts or skin irritation. But remember, like with any type of electronic device, over time your shaver will need some maintenance and TLC.

Even if it is touted as a self cleaning shaver, if the shaver is never manually cleaned it will stop working properly. These simple tips for cleaning your electric shaver will ensure it continues to deliver a smooth shave and has a long life.

If you use a beard trimmer instead of (or as well as) an electric shaver then read Groom+Style’s article on how to maintain your electric beard trimmer.

How Often Should I Clean my Electric Shaver?

It is best to manually deep clean your shaver at least every week, with general cleaning after every shave. When cleaning, you must make sure that all hair and skin cells inside have been properly removed. If you never clean your shaver, you’re losing out on a great investment. If the shaver gets clogged up with excess hairs it will put a strain on the motor and cause it to break down faster. Also, without proper cleaning, your shaver could be playing host to unpleasant bacteria!  The top end shavers like the Braun which come with their own cleaning station will need to be manually cleaned less frequently.

What is the Best Way to Clean an Electric Shaver?

Each electric shaver comes with a manufacturer booklet with important instructions concerning how to use your shaver over time and how to know when to clean it. The manual will also note some of the best tools to use for that specific razor, and which to avoid.

It is important to read through the manual and adopt these instructions. Below are the general best cleaning techniques for all brands – but please read your manual for more details.

1) Turn off the main switch and unplug the shaver.

2) Remove the cutter head by lifting it off its support. (Check your razor user manual if you’re having trouble).

3) Use a brush to loosen the accumulated hairs from the cutter head. Most electric shavers come with a brush you can use, or just use a small new paintbrush. Do not tap the head on the counter to remove the whiskers, this could damage the precision combs.

4) Run the brush over all parts associated with the cutter head, such as the frame.

5) Dismantle all other parts of the shaver that can be removed.

6) Using the small brush, hot water and a little liquid soap, clean all parts of the shaver. Instead of soap and water, you could use a special cleaning fluid that is sold anywhere that electric shavers are sold.

7) Rinse the parts in clean hot water.

8) Dry the parts with a towel and then allow to air dry.

9) Put the shaver back together.

10) For the best possible razor cleaning result, you should use a bit of oil to lubricate all metal surfaces of the razor screen and cutter while it is running. A aerosol lubricant such as Philip’s part no. AL80C or the “Shaver Saver” from Remington work great. Use the lubricant sparingly, and there’s no need to wipe it off.

Check Shaver Saver Price on Amazon

Proceed with your shaving!

With the simple steps laid outline here, you’ll be able to get a clean shave without all the hassle of an ill-performing razor.  Cleaning your electric razor will prolong its life and performance and offer both hygienic, cosmetic, and functional benefits.

When you feel that it’s time to upgrade your shaver, take your time and do your research. Check out the Electric Shaver Reviews – the team at Groom+Style personally test the top shavers to provide the most up to date and accurate information.

In addition, GroomwithStyle also has another article related to electric shavers, which is buying an electric shaver.

]]> 2 How to Clean, Maintain, and Reset an Electric Shaver – Philips Norelco 4500 nonadult
Are You Sabotaging Your Muscle Gains With These 7 Mistakes? Sat, 10 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Read more]]>
sabotaging muscle gain

You’ve been running yourself ragged. You spend more time at the gym than at home. You push yourself so hard you’re pretty sure you’ll bust a vein if you do one more rep. And despite all this, you still aren’t seeing the results you were hoping for.

Something is obviously wrong somewhere. Don’t worry, though, because the problem isn’t you. No matter how skinny you are, or how fast your metabolism is, you can still gain muscle.

If you aren’t building muscle like you had hoped, you might be making certain mistakes that are sabotaging your progress. You have to remember that every aspect of your life–from your social life to your workout–will influence your ability to build muscle. So, let’s look at some of the most common mistakes when it comes to building muscle.

Mistake #1: You Don’t Eat Enough

Eating insufficient calories is one of the biggest mistakes you can make if you’re looking to build muscle and gain mass.

No matter how much time you spend on designing the best workout or how hard you work in the gym, if you’re not eating enough, you aren’t going to see any gains.You need to have a positive calorie balance, meaning that you need to eat more than you burn. This will ensure your muscles have enough fuel to repair themselves and grow.

Ideally, if you are of average size, you should aim for an extra 300 calories per day over your basal metabolic rate (BMR), and if you are underweight, then you need about 500 calories per day. Note that these are only suggested starting points because it will vary from one person to the next. You can start with an extra 300 calories and if you still aren’t seeing results, then add some more. However, try not to increase your caloric intake by more than 300 calories at a time or you run the risk of gaining fat along with muscle.

Also, make sure that those extra calories come from lean proteins like beef and chicken, good fats like avocadoes and olive oil, and from healthy carbohydrates like brown rice and sweet potatoes. A clean, healthy diet will promote quality mass gains, which is what you want.  If you feel your lifestyle does not allow you to plan your meals properly then you will most likely need a whey protein supplement.

Mistake #2: You’re Overdoing the Cardio

When it comes to building muscle, doing too much cardio can hinder your efforts.

As we’ve already established, your body needs a surplus of calories so it can build muscle. However, if you’re running, cycling, rowing or doing any other type of cardio on a regular basis, you are burning up calories that could have gone towards building muscle.

While cardio will not stop you gaining muscle completely–unless you’re not eating enough in which case your muscles will begin to cannibalize themselves to provide your body with fuel–it will slow your progress significantly. So, if you haven’t seen any muscle growth and have been doing a lot of cardio, you need to cut back. You don’t have to cut it out completely, but try not to exceed three twenty-minute sessions per week.However, if you’ve always had trouble putting weight on and are relatively skinny, then you need to cut out the cardio for at least two months. During this time, focus on gaining mass. You can then incorporate a few cardio sessions per week to keep you lean.

If you’re overweight, then you might be focusing on the wrong thing. While you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time, it’s relatively inefficient. To lose fat, you need a calorie deficit, while to gain muscle you need a surplus of calories. So, if you have a lot of extra fat to get rid of, focus on fat loss first, which means creating a calorie deficit through diet and cardio. Once you’ve dropped some weight, you can switch gears and adopt a diet that will help you bulk up.

Mistake #3: You’re Overtraining

female tired with weights

You’re probably irritated that you aren’t seeing the gains you want.

You leaf through bodybuilding magazines and want to look just like them, and you can’t understand why you’re not getting the same results. So, you add more sets, increase the duration of your workout and train more frequently, hoping to see better results. Unfortunately, the exact opposite will happen. Not only will overtraining lead to injury, which could keep you out of the game for weeks, but it will also stifle your gains. Resting is just as important as working out. , because that’s when the body repairs the muscle fibers you’ve torn during your workout. In other words, that’s when your muscles grow. If you don’t rest you aren’t giving your body the chance to gain mass.

And when it comes to the professionals, remember that many of them have excellent genetics, use steroids, growth hormones and various drug cocktails, and there’s also a good chance they don’t have a regular job they need to go to every day. All this means that they can train a lot more than regular people without any negative impact. On the other hand, a normal person who has average genetics, doesn’t take drugs, and has a job will simply be unable to achieve the same results, regardless of what they do.

Instead of rushing things, employ a bit of patience and you will achieve your goals, even if it takes longer. If you overtrain, all you’re going to do is hurt yourself and slow your progress. So, don’t train more than four days per week, and don’t train more than two days in a row, with sessions lasting up to 75 minutes.

Mistake #4: You’re Using Weights That Are Too Light

Muscles grow when enough tension is placed on the muscle fibers to stretch them and cause tiny tears.

Cells in your muscle fibers then repair the tears, but also make the fibers bigger and the nerves that activate them stronger so that the next time your muscles are exposed to the same level of tension they are better able to handle it. When the fibers get bigger, so do your muscles. However, for your fibers to keep growing, they need to be exposed to an increasing amount of tension or your growth will stagnate.

So, if you’re not seeing any gains, there’s a good chance that you aren’t lifting heavy enough. If you are able to complete a set easily, then your weights are too light and you aren’t placing enough tension on your muscle fibers. They’ve already adapted to handle the weight you’re using, so no tearing is taking place. No tearing means that there’s no need for your cells to increase the size and strength of your muscles.Ideally, you should be using weights that are heavy enough to cause muscle failure after 8 to 12 repetitions per set. If you don’t have a partner to help you continue lifting with good form, then rest for a few seconds and continue lifting to finish the set. This approach will offer you better results than using weights that will let you finish a set easily.

Mistake #5: You’re Using Too Many Minor Isolation Exercises

If you study what most successful bodybuilders do in terms of training, you will find that most of them use a small range of basic exercises that are all concentrated around big lifts.

If you want to build a muscular body, you’re going to have to forget about minor isolation exercises and start focusing on the big, compound movements.

Your body is limited in the amount of energy it can expend on recovery and growth, so it doesn’t make sense to waste that energy on exercises that offer limited returns. Instead, focus on basic lifts because they will offer better returns, allowing you to grow faster. Once you’ve gotten so strong that these lifts aren’t cutting it anymore, you can add more complex exercises, but while you’re still trying to grow, stick to a few big basic movements as they’ll offer you the best gains.

Mistake #6: You Aren’t Using Proper Form

Lifting heavy isn’t enough. You have to make sure that you are using proper form in all your exercises.

The weight you’re using is important as it places tension on the muscle. However, the way you do the exercises determines whether the correct muscle is being targeted.

If you’re not using the proper form, you won’t be able to lift as much weight, you are exposing yourself to injury, and you might even be targeting the wrong muscles. Thus, learning proper form is essential. And no, throwing weights up and down is not proper form. If this is what you do, you’re only deluding yourself in terms of your actual strength because you’re using momentum and not your muscles. Instead, perform exercises slowly and with controlled movements, both when contracting and extending your muscles.Also, don’t make the mistake of using weights that are too heavy because you won’t be able to use good form, which will negate the benefits of heavier weights.

Mistake #7: You Aren’t Training Hard Enough

Anyone who wants to see massive gains needs to train really hard.

However, most people don’t train that hard. They think they do, but the fact is that very few people put in the amount of work required to change their bodies. What’s worse is that the more advanced you become, the more work you will need to put in.

However, don’t make the mistake of thinking that training hard means doing more reps or more sets. Doing more of the same thing poorly isn’t going to get you the results you want. Training hard means training with as much intensity as you can. It means working out with complete focus and increasing the weight you lift regularly. It means training to failure on every set, and giving it everything you’ve got in each session.

If you’re training for an hour or more and are barely winded after each session, then you aren’t training hard enough. So, remember, if you want to see massive gains, you’re going to have to increase the intensity. It’s really a matter of quality over quantity. If your workout is intense enough, you don’t need to spend more than an hour in the gym, but you will see incredible results.

The Groom+Style team has put together a terrific article on how to increase your lifts by 30% – might be worth a read!

Why Backpacking Light or Minimalistic Backpacking Is For You Sat, 10 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Read more]]>
backpacking light

The wilderness is closer than you think.

Moreover, not only are the wilds not all that far from your front door, the truth is that you can enjoy the wilderness with just a handful of items if you go minimalistic and lightweight. The decision to go minimalist backpacking is one that people make every day all around the world – you should join their ranks.

Magic, Wonder, Beauty of Backpacking

Even if you are not a camper, you need to get a backpack and venture out into the great outdoors to discover for yourself the magic, wonder, and beauty that they contain.

It as Ansel Adams said, “I believe the [outdoor] world is incomprehensibly beautiful – an endless prospect of magic and wonder.”

If anyone knows the wilderness it is Adams. He was such a lover of the wilds that one of the wildest spaces of the lower 48 states was named after the famous hiker and photographer, the 231,533-acre Ansel Adams Wilderness in the stunningly beautiful Sierra Nevada of California.

Adams fully understood that we need to spend quality time in the wild spaces; we need the wilderness more than the wilderness needs us.

Sustained Effort Is Crucial To A Happy Life

Backpacking is not always easy.

When you are out in the wilds with your house, food, and all that you currently own on your back, you will be forced to be strong, to persevere, and to cooperate with your fellow backpackers. 

It is through this discomfort that you will appreciate the simple pleasures provided by a thick blanket of stars in the night sky, a cup of hot cocoa on a chilly morning, and the relief brought about by pulling your shoes or boots off after a day of hiking.

These competencies – strength, perseverance, cooperation, appreciation – are qualities that can stick with you and help you in all areas of your existence once you are back in the “real world”.

We have to make a sustained effort, again and again, to cultivate the positive aspects within us.

Dalai Lama

Moreover, the outdoors don’t care about your schedule, your wants, or your needs.

If you are the type of person who paces in front of the microwave or gets frustrated waiting for a Netflix video to get started, you need to get out into the wilderness. Backpacking forces you to go with the flow, which is a great way to have a happier, more fulfilling life.

One member of the Groom+Style Team went on a minimalist backpacking trip with their daughter, in the mountains to the south-west of Lake Tahoe. She was nine at the time and did not actually enjoy the journey. However, now more than five years later, she still loves to talk about that trip to Granite Lake and tell everyone how they were forced to eat uncooked dehydrated beef stroganoff (link to Amazon) after the DIY alcohol stove, that was fashioned out of an aluminum soda can, blew up the very first time it was lite.

Although, Mountain House beef stroganoff is quite tasty when it has been rehydrated with boiling water, it is pretty nasty when floating in cold alpine lake water.

When you head out into the empty spaces of the earth without your phones and connections to your day-to-day world, you will discover that both the good and the bad experiences you have will impact you positively.

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Exhaustion Can Ruin A Backpacking Trip

The cold hard fact about enjoying the outdoors is that it is awfully hard to do when you are exhausted, when your feet, knees, back and body are worn out.

This is why minimalist backpacking is such a shining beacon of freedom in the outdoor world. When you hike with a minimalist and light load you will:

  • Have more energy
  • Stay positive (quickest route to being crabby is to be tired)
  • Move quicker
  • Reduce the chance of twisting an ankle or getting blisters
  • Reduce the actual amount of time you need to spend hiking to get to your next destination
  • Have more time for relaxing, fishing, exploring, photography or whatever else you enjoy doing in the wilderness

The Four Pillars Of Backpacking Gear

The four heaviest items you will carry when backpacking are your backpack, tent or other shelter, sleeping bag or quilt, and sleeping pad.

Therefore, the more weight you can save with these items, the lighter your overall load will be. Thanks to advances in backpacking technology, these four core items to a backpacker’s kit keep getting lighter and lighter.

Backpacks for minimalist backpackers should not weigh more than four pounds.

Even better, assuming you can afford it, aim for a three-pound pack. If you have never backpacked before, please go into a real outdoors equipment store and get fitted so that you end up with a light backpack that truly matches your frame.

Tents can be terribly heavy and so your first choice for a shelter ought to be the night sky.

If the season, weather, and bug situation will allow for such a decision, give it a try. The next step up from going without is to go with a lightweight tarp that attaches to your hiking poles. If the weather will be pleasant but the insects will not, a mesh tent covered by a lightweight tarp is an awesome lightweight combo.

The final shelter choice is of course a tent, or in this case, a lightweight tent. A maximum weight for a two person backpacking ultralight tent should be three pounds. However, if you do not need a tent with a floor, you should aim for two pounds.  Follow this link to read Groom+Style’s review of the best backpacking tents.

Bivy sacks are shelter solutions that are not often used.

These sacks tend to weigh around a pound and are just a little larger than a single sleeping bag. If you are into backpacking on your own, an ultralight bivy sack is a great idea.

The Sleeping bag will probably be your most expensive piece of backpacking gear.

If you can afford it, get a down-filled bag. There is a reason geese can survive in the coldest of climates, their down feathers! Get a lightweight sleeping bag that is rated for the coldest temperatures you will be sleeping within. A quality down-filled lightweight sleeping bag rated for 30 degree temperatures can weigh less than two pounds.

A lightweight quilt or poncho liner  is a great alternative to a costly and heavy sleeping bag if you will be backpacking in mild temperatures.

Sleeping Pads are a vital piece of backpacking gear. If you do not pack a sleeping pad just one time, you will be taught a tough lesson about how important they are, because they provides insulation and comfort while you are sleeping. Sleeping pads can be inflatable or made of foam and should weigh around a pound.

In total, your four (or three, if you go without a tent) main pieces of lightweight backpacking gear will equal between five and nine pounds on your back.

Other Minimalist Backpacking Gear Options

  • Stove and fuel
  • Spoon or spork with a knife edge
  • Lightweight towel
  • Signaling mirror
  • Lightweight outdoor survival knife
  • First aid kit containing allergy pills, ibuprofen, Imodium, antibiotic ointment, butterfly band-aids, finger band-aids, heel band-aids, gauze, first-aid tape or duct tape, safety pins (get the small size of all of these, store in ziplock baggies)
  • Emergency blanket
  • Compass (learn how to use it)
  • Topo map (learn how to read it)
  • Matches in a waterproof case or ziplock bag
  • Insect repellent, the wipes are very effective
  • Sunscreen and lip protection
  • Toilet paper
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Water purifying tablets, water filter straw (link to Amazon), or a SteriPEN UV water purifier
  • Lightweight hiking socks
  • Lightweight running shorts are great for wearing around the camp or for wearing while backpacking on warm days.
  • Poncho if there is even a 1% chance of rain
  • Garbage bag to carry your feces and garbage out of the wilderness. You want to leave no trace behind while you are backpacking.

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Categories of Minimalist-Type Backpacking

Minimalist Backpacking brings the minimalist desire to enjoy life with fewer possessions to backpacking and the outdoors. Minimalistic backpackers only bring into the wilds those items that they truly need. Following this school of outdoor thought lets you experience the wilderness wholly and fully.

Although minimalist backpacking is not exactly the same as lightweight backpacking, the desire to enjoy the wilderness unencumbered drives both views.

Lightweight backpacking has no official definition. However, most people who consider themselves to be lightweight backpackers carry between 12 to 20 pounds on their backs. An ultralight backpacking kit goes even lighter barely tipping the scales at 10 pounds.

Fastpacking is the ultimate get-up-and-go-fast backpacking niche. Combining running and backpacking, a fastpacker tends to carry no more than five pounds of gear while going on multi-day trail runs.

Though fastpacking may seem to be rather extreme at first glance, if you run regularly you will be surprised at how far you can run day after day – as the speed at which you will be moving will be more like a gentle gait then your normal urban running pace. 

By going at an enjoyable pace that you can maintain, you will be able to cover long distances while fastpacking.

The Bottom Line on Lightweight or Minimalist Backpacking

minimalistic camping

You need to get out into the wilderness to drink in its magic, wonder, and beauty. Your sustained effort of hiking deep into the outdoors will pay dividends in all areas of your life so please choose your gear carefully, carry only what you need, and remember to leave no traces behind! To do so is to pay heed to the words of Theodore Roosevelt, America’s most adventurous president of all time, who said,

There is a delight in the hardy life of the open. There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm.

Gifts for Men with Beards – 20 Products Every Beard Lover Should Own Sat, 10 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> gifts for men with beards - happy coupleGifts for Men with Beards – 20 Products Every Beard Lover Should Own

Some guys have thick, full beards, while others do what they can with lighter, finer ones. Your beard can be a chore, or it can be your pride and joy.

At Groom+Style, we love beard, and could talk about them all day long…in celebration of beards we decided to create the ultimate list of gifts for men with beards.

Beards are an evolutionary carry-over, and because they’re not showing any sign of disappearing anytime soon, whatever kind of facial hair you’re capable of growing, it makes sense to make the most of it.

A well-maintained beard, which by the way, doesn’t necessarily mean a beard that’s short and tightly cropped, can work wonders for your career prospects, your love life, and your general self-esteem.

If you’ve never paid much attention to your beard, now’s the time to start. Even if you are someone who takes great pride in his facial hair — growing the most epic Movember moustache imaginable — we’ll bet that there a few ways you could turn that fuzz into a full-on money and honey magnet.

We’ve rounded up 20 — count ‘em, 20! — of the best, most popular, most indispensably awesome grooming, styling and accessorizing beard products in the world.

If you’re a guy who loves his beard (and we most sincerely hope that you are), or you are looking for a gift for that beard lover in your life, then this is the only list you’ll ever need to refer to.

But first…

5 Tips For Everyday Beard and Skin Maintenance

gifts for men with beards - beard care1) Never Shave Against the Grain

Shaving against the direction of growth might get you a closer shave, but it’ll also cause irritation and razor burn, along with ingrown hairs. Shave with the direction of growth, working slowly, as hair grows in different directions on different parts of your face.

2) Trim Your Beard Regularly

Whatever length beard you have, trimming it regularly will help to keep hair ends in good condition.

3) Use a Quality Razor or Trimmer

Straight razor or electric, whatever you’re using, make sure it’s sharp and well-maintained. There’s nothing worse than a dull shave.

4) Wash Before Shaving

Your hair and skin are softer, more easy to shave once they’ve been washed in warm water. Never dry shave with a manual, safety or straight razor, ever.  For those using electric shavers you can ignore this advice as it is better to have the hairs stiff and pointing out from your skin.

5) Moisturize

Your skin is vulnerable and prone to dryness after shaving, so give it a helping hand by applying a natural moisturizer.

Onto the ultimate gifts for men with beards…

20 Beard Grooming Gifts Every Beard Lover Should Own

1. Wild Boar Bristle Beard Brush

gifts for men with beards - Wild Boar Bristle Beard Brush
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What Is a Beard Brush?

The tug-of-war over which kind of hair is best for shaving brushes rages on. Some say badger hair is best, and while we don’t refute that badger hair shaving brushes are exceptional, we just love the look and feel of wild boar bristles. These hardy creatures spend their time roughing it among some of the most rugged terrain in the world, making their hair more than capable of standing up to even the toughest stubble.

Why Groom+Style Loves the Wild Boar Beard Brush

Wild boar bristle brushes are extremely long-lasting, and do a great job of lifting the hair away from the face, so that it can be effectively and evenly cut. Plus, because the bristles are natural, there’s less chance of irritation, like the kind which can occur with synthetic brushes.

Perfect for…

Ideal for shorter beards and those who shave on a daily or bi-daily basis. Beard brushes are designed to lift hair away from the skin, making cutting easier and more even.

Check the Wild Boar Bristle Beard Brush Price on Amazon

2. A.P. Donovan – Excellent 7/8″ straight razor – mahogany handle with strop and wax

gifts for men with beards - A.P. Donovan straight razor
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What is a Straight Razor?

This beautiful straight razor set is a fine introduction to the world of straight razor shaving. A straight razor shave from a traditional barber was standard back in the day, when the sound of sharpening steel on a leather strop would have been commonplace. Recreate the good old days and, with a bit of practice, get the closest shave of your life.

Why Groom+Style Loves a Good Old Fashion Straight Razor

Nostalgia, for sure, but also because a straight razor shave is the closest, cleanest shave there is.

Perfect for…

The traditionalist on the lookout for a clean, close shave.

Check the A.P. Donovan – Excellent 7/8″ straight razor Price on Amazon

3. Bevel Safety Razor

gifts for men with beards - bevel safety razor
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What is a Safety Razor?

A step to the right of a traditional straight razor, the safety razor gives a shave that’s just as close, without the Sweeney Todd hazards of a cut throat. The Bevel Safety Razor is a classic in terms of both design and performance.

Why Groom+Style Loves a High Quality Safety Razor

Apart from being an absolute style icon, the Bevel safety razor gives one of the smoothest, most satisfying shaves you’ll ever encounter. Slip in a new blade when the old one gets dull, and you’re well on your way to a shave your granddaddy would be proud of.

Perfect for…

Ultra-close shaving and/or beard shaping at the edges.

Check the Bevel Safety Razor Price on Amazon

4. Barbasol Original Thick and Rich Cream Men Shaving Cream

gifts for men with beards - Barbasol Original Thick and Rich Cream Men Shaving Cream
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What Is Barbasol Original Thick Shaving Cream and Why Is It So Special?

As America’s #1 shaving cream, Barbasol, established in 1919, is the ultimate in thick and luxurious shaving foam. Providing the most comfortable shave around, Barbasol shaving cream also helps to reduce instances of razor burn and irritation.

Why Groom+Style Loves Barbasol Shaving Cream

Barbasol is straight-up America in a can, and we just love it for that.

Perfect for…

Getting the perfect shave, and for reducing irritation caused by razor burns.

Check Barbasol Original Thick and Rich Cream Men Shaving Cream Price on Amazon

5. Cut Buddy Multi Curve Beard Shaping Tool

gifts for men with beards - The Cut Buddy Multi Curve Beard Shaping Tool
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What is the Cut Buddy?

If you’re a guy who takes pride in the details, then you’ll love the Cut Buddy. Designed to help maintain pristine edges on the cheeks, neck and sideburns, the Cut Buddy is a simple but effective template tool for guiding your razor or trimmer exactly where it needs to go. No more asymmetrical facial hair, no more guessing games.

Why Groom+Style Loves this Innovative Beard Shaping Tool 

It might feel a little dorky at first, but once you get used to it, once you see the difference it makes, you’ll never shave without it.

Perfect for…

Short and long beards, wherever perfect shaping is desired.

Check the Cut Buddy Multi Curve Beard Shaping Tool Price on Amazon

6. Beard King Official Beard Bib

gifts for men with beards - BEARD KING - The Official Beard Bib
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What is the Beard Kind Beard Bib?

As seen on Shark Tank, it’s a wonder nobody came up with something as useful and necessary as the Beard Bib before. There is not a guy on this planet who enjoys cleaning up the sink after shaving. Beard Bib is the answer. Simply attach the bib to the wall in front of your mirror, and it’ll catch everything that comes off of your face. Awesome.

Why Groom+Style Loves This Type of Bib

No more timely, annoying clean-up post-shave.

Perfect for…

Keeping your bathroom neat and tidy.

Check the Beard King Official Beard Bib Price on Amazon

7. Polished Gentleman Beard Growth and Thickening Shampoo

gifts for men with beards - Beard Growth and Thickening Shampoo
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What is This Magic Serum?

Not every guy grows a full, thick beard. Not every guy wants a full, thick beard. For those who do, however, there are solutions. Polished Gentleman’s offering is packed with fruit and plant extracts to help soften hair and encourage healthy growth.

Why Groom+Style Loves This Beard Shampoo

It smells great, and makes your beard look and feel wonderful.

Perfect for…

Guys looking for a thicker, fuller beard, and anyone in need of a great conditioner.

Check the Polished Gentleman Beard Growth Shampoo Price on Amazon

8. The Gentlemen’s Beard Oil and Conditioner Softener

gifts for men with beards - Gentlemens Beard Oil
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What is This Magic Oil?

There are a ton of beard oil and conditioning products out there, and plenty of them are good enough. The Gentlemen’s Beard Oil is a strong contender, loaded with plenty of natural oils to help soften hair without making it greasy.

Why Groom+Style Loves This Beard Oil

An unfussy beard oil made with good ingredients, which doesn’t make hair or skin greasy.

Perfect for…

Longer beards and those with dry skin.

Check the Gentlemen’s Beard Oil and Conditioner Softener Price on Amazon

9. Philips Norelco Multigroom 3100 with 5 attachments

gifts for men with beards - Philips Norelco Multigroom Series 3000
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What is This Multigroomer?

There are a lot of electric beard trimming kits out there, and indeed, Groom+Style has reviewed plenty of them. The Philips Norelco is one of our recent favorites, and comes with guides for longer beard types, as well as shaping tools. One of the most recommended beard shavers is the Philips Norelco bt928541.

Why Groom+Style Loves This Beard Trimmer

Holds its charge well, and comes with a nose hair trimmer!

Perfect for…

Experimenting with your beard style and length.

Check the Philips Norelco Multigroom 3100 Price on Amazon

10. Soft and Shine Beard Brush & Comb Set

gifts for men with beards - Beard Brush and Comb Set for Men
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What is This Beard Brush and Comb Set?

Just like the hair on your head, your beard can be tamed into looking and feeling softer, more manageable. This neat little brush set is ideal for those with longer beards, in need of some calming down.

Why Groom+Style Loves This Stylish Set…

It’s surprisingly difficult to find a decent beard brush in stores, and this set answers all of the most demanding requirements.

Perfect for…

Longer beards in need of some TLC.

Check the Soft and Shine Beard Brush & Comb Set Price on Amazon

11. The Beard Ninja Shaping Tool and Template

gifts for men with beards - the beard ninja
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What is The Beard Ninja?

Just like the Cut Buddy, the Beard Ninja is designed to help shape your beard exactly the way you want it. Plenty of ways to get creative with this little beauty.

Why Groom+Style Loves This Beard Shaping Tool…

Unlike the Cut Buddy, the Beard Ninja is transparent, allowing you to keep track of the beard underneath the guide at the same time.

Perfect for…

Shaping and maintaining beard edges, either long or short styles.

Check the Beard Ninja Beard Shaping Tool Template Price on Amazon

12. Godefroy Thick Beard and Mustache Growth Serum

gifts for men with beards - Godefroy Thick Beard and Mustache Growth Serum
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What Do Those People Who Have Patchy Beards Do?

These beard thickeners and growth serums sound like a scam, but actually, ones we love, like Godefroy do have some pretty decent effects. Not only is this stuff great for encouraging growth, it also helps reduce dry and itchy skin.

Why Groom+Style Loves This Beard Thickener…

Even if you don’t see the results you were expecting, you’ll have softer, less dry skin.

Perfect for…

Filling in patchy beards.

Check Godefroy Thick Beard and Mustache Growth Serum Price on Amazon

13. Kent 81T- Men’s Handmade Beard/Moustache Comb

gifts for men with beards - Kent 81T- Mens Handmade Beard_Moustache Comb
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What is this Handmade Beard Comb Good For?

Every Movember, the guys give away little combs for bros and their Mos. The Kent is a beautiful little moustache comb, designed to keep your furry friend in check.

Why Groom+Style Loves it…

It’s so damn cute.

Perfect for…

Both beard and moustache.

Check the Kent 81T- Men’s Handmade Beard/Moustache Comb Price on Amazon

14. TRYM II – The Rechargeable Modern Hair Clipper Kit

gifts for men with beards - TRYM II - The Rechargeable Modern Hair Clipper Kit
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What Is This Stylish Trimmer?

This little guy stayed well under the radar for a long time, until people started noticing how great it was. Ultra sleek design, paired with razor sharp trimming. We love the Trym II.

Why Groom+Style Loves the TRYM II…

Compact and ultra-stylish, cuts like a dream.

Perfect for…

Everyday beard maintenance.

Check the TRYM II – The Rechargeable Modern Hair Clipper Kit Price on Amazon

15. Curveball: Bakblade “Big Mouth” Back Shaver

gifts for men with beards - BaKblade Brand
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What Is a Back Beard- and How to Tame It?

Is your back hair (or your partners) starting to look like a lion’s mane?  Then you need this handy handled shaver for your back beard – quick. Hooray!

Groom+Style’s War on Back Hair…

We’re not big fans of back hair, so anything we can find to remove it, we’ll share with you.

Perfect for…

Hairy backs.

Check the Bakblade “Big Mouth” Back Shaver Price on Amazon

16. Craft Beard Professional Beard Scissors

gifts for men with beards - Professional Stainless Steel 5.5inch Mens Mustache and Beard Grooming Scissors
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What Makes the Professional Beard Scissors So Special?

Ever tried to trim your beard with regular scissors? It’s daunting, and the results are usually less than satisfactory. These super sharp little shears are perfect for getting into the small spots regular scissors just can’t.

Why Groom+Style loves Them…

They’re sharp, really sharp.

Perfect for…

Maintaining and shaping longer beards.

Check Craft Beard Professional Beard Scissors Price on Amazon

17. Sweet Almond Oil

gifts for men with beards - Pure Body Naturals Triple AAA+ Grade Sweet Almond Oil for Skin and Hair
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What Is Sweet Almond Oil Good For?

For the purists, who won’t touch mixtures of oils, balms and what have you, there’s sweet almond oil. Perfect for both skin and hair. Apply just a little after showering and you’re good to go.

Why Groom+Style Loves this Natural Product…

All-natural and great for your skin, too.

Perfect for…

Both skin and hair.

Check Sweet Almond Oil Price on Amazon

18. Detroit Grooming Co. Grooming Oil – Corktown

gifts for men with beards - Detroit Grooming Co. Grooming Oil
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What, Another Beard Oil?

If you’re someone who shaves regularly, with a short to medium beard, then conditioning can be a problem, just like with head hair. The Detroit Grooming Co. offers one of our favorite conditioning oils for all beard types.

Why Groom+Style Loves it…

Straightforward, non-greasy conditioning for your skin and hair.

Perfect for…

Short to medium length beards.

Check Detroit Grooming Beard Oil Price on Amazon

19. Detroit Grooming Co. – Beard Butter 2Oz

gifts for men with beards - Detroit Grooming Co. - Beard Butter
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What is Beard Butter?

Essentially, a heavy duty conditioner for very dry beards. Not recommended for long beards, but for shorter styles on top of dry skin, this beard butter is a joy.

Why Groom+Style Loves it…

Butter is perhaps a bit misleading. This stuff is moisturizing, without being greasy or heavy.

Perfect for…

Beards on top of dry skin.

Check Detroit Grooming Co. – Beard Butter 2Oz Price on Amazon

20. 100% Organic Sandalwood Beard Oil

gifts for men with beards - BEARD OIL - SANDALWOOD by Rogue Beard Company
Click on the photo to check the Price on Amazon.

What, Yet Another Beard Oil?

Just like the sweet almond oil, sandalwood oil is a perfect choice for the beard purist. A light, masculine fragrance are one of the many plusses of choosing sandalwood oil as your conditioner of choice.

Why Groom+Style Loves This Great Smelling Oil…

Doesn’t get more manly than this.

Perfect for…

All beard lengths and types.

Check 100% Organic Sandalwood Beard Oil Price on Amazon

Wrapping up the Best Beard Product List for Beard Lovers

Whatever your beard type, whatever your style, finding the right products to keep both your skin and facial hair healthy is super important. You live with that face of yours every single day, so learning to love it, and learning how to take care of it properly, to highlight your best features, should be a priority.

We hope that you found something on this list that you love, and that whatever you’ve chosen helps to give you back that edge. Drop a comment below and tell us what your favorite beard products are, and let us know how you got on using any of the stuff we’ve mentioned in this article.

For more on shaving, visit the Art of Shaving section at Groom+Style, or if you like the ideas above but want them packaged in a kit, then you can check out our list of the top 5 best beard grooming kits.

BEARD NINJA - Beard Shaping Tool - How to Tutorial nonadult
Manscaping Your Body – The Ultimate Guide Sat, 10 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Read more]]> Manscaping Your Body – The Ultimate Guide
Manscaping Your Body - The Ultimate Guide

If you’re a man, then this conversation has probably come up at some point.

You’ve probably been asked if you trim the boys?

And the probability is that unless you prefer the caveman look, you have.

Lots of men feel comfortable enough to groom their body hair and create a cleaner look. Alternatively, some men are afraid of it, and a select group feels that it makes you less masculine.

However, when you put it simply, manscaping is simply the removal or at least the trimming of hair on a man’s body for aesthetic purposes.

So, in essence, it is something to be embraced rather than feared.

There are also lots of benefits to manscaping in the modern-day and age so let’s take a closer look at some of these advantages.

What Is Manscaping?

Man Holding Razor

The time “manscaping” has become quite popular in recent years.

However, lots of people assume that the term refers specifically to trimming or shaving the pubic region.

While there is some truth to this, practitioners believe that the term is a bit more inclusive than that.

Manscaping is not solely about shaving your body hair or cutting down on your own hair at home.

It’s also about feeling and looking great. It’s about personal hygiene and keeping yourself neat and clean at all times.

In fact, manscapers have made the active choice to take positive steps in their life. They’ve taken control of their bodies and emphasized their most treasured assets.

And if you haven’t already started the manscaping journey, you’re not alone.

What Are The Most Important Parts To Manscape And How?

Irrespective of how much hair you’ve got, manscaping is probably something you’ve tried at least once or at least thought about doing.

The reality is that in this day and age, no part of the body is off-limits.

According to a men’s health survey, 62% of men shave below the belt. And that number only climbs higher when you start talking about other areas of the body such as the back and chest.

Additionally, the way men manscape is also changing. Ten years ago, waxing was a huge thing. Guys wanted it all gone. Nowadays, trimming seems to be the more popular option.

The natural look is in, and lots of men are looking for ways to look neat.

Grooming your body hair, to a point, is personal. So it whether you choose to simply get it trimmed to have it all removed, all boils down to personal preference.

The good news is that it’s entirely possible to do it yourself at home.

There will be some areas where you may need an extra pair of hands, so be sure to get someone to help you.

So let’s take a closer look at some of the most important parts to manscape and how you should go about doing it.

Chest And Back

Man Shaving Chest

So the easy maintenance routines have been left behind. Chest hair is natural, acceptable in men, and is not universally stigmatized.

In fact, in some cultures, it’s believed that a hairy chest is reminiscent of large amounts of testosterone and, therefore, virility.

Scientifically, there is no evidence to prove this; however, it is still believed that in some cultures, a smooth chest in a man is not acceptable. Unless, of course, it is for athletic purposes.

However, even if you choose not to manscape your chest, you don’t want to look overly bushy. This is especially if you have curls of hair coming out of your shut. Then it’s probably too long.

So if you’re not especially fond of waxing or shaving, you can always set your trimmer some to a long length and give it a healthy jump.

Feel free to experiment with your look; however, bare in mind that the goal is to appear well-groomed without being too tame.

So you can start to find balance, which usually involves shorter hair as opposed to less dense hair.

Most men would love to have a smooth back. Not only because back hair is a universal turn-off for women but because it simply makes you look smoother, literally.

Back hair is also not something that you’re going to be able to get rid of on your own for obvious reasons. So getting a waxing appointment every now and again to maintain the back hair is a good idea.

There are lots of salons that cater to waxing for men. However, when that’s unavailable, you need to get a hold of your handy razor and your significant other and get them both working.

Although shaving is going to take a little bit more time, it’s worth it because it causes less irritation than waxing.


When it comes to shaving armpit hair, most men find that waxing is a bit too extreme. It’s quite a sensitive part of the body, so you may choose the gentler option, which is shaving.

However, you need to bear in mind that it’s not a race, and in order to avoid razor burn and skin irritation, you need to take it slow. This is also to ensure that you get a closer shave.

Another challenge with armpit hair is that unlike the hair on your face, armpit hair tends to grow in different directions. So you need to shave in different directions as well.

Toss out your old and dull razor and get a new one, preferably with a pivoting head so that you can move in between the curves of your armpits and get a closer and more effective shave.


Man Trimming Eyebrow

Your eyebrows are one of the most defining features on your face. Therefore they need to be groomed at all times. It’s simply a matter of plucking stray hair, and this will help to shape your brows.

However, be careful not to overdo it. When your brows are done right, it should look neater and more youthful.

Use a pair of scissors to trim the hairs that are longer than the rest.  Follow with tweezers to tidy up and pluck stray hairs, and this will enhance the natural shape of your brows.


As time goes by, or as you get older, you’ll notice that ear hair becomes more visible. The good news is that it is easy to manage. You can use an electric trimmer to speed things up.

However, with a trimmer, hair regrowth would probably be faster than if you plucked out the hairs b the root.

Use scissors designed for the face to trim the hairs visible on the outer ear. It is imperative that you be extremely careful because your ears are one of the most sensitive parts of your body.

Use a tweezer to pluck hairs on the inside of the ear close to the surface, but proceed with caution.


When you start to see, the hairs sticking out of the bottom of your nostrils, its time for a trim.

However, you should not pluck nostril hairs as it could lead to slight bleeding and ultimately, and infection in the nose. Instead, to safely groom nostril hairs, use a pair of grooming scissors.

Legs And Arms

While not all men have extremely hairy arms and legs, there are some men that have it rough when it comes to bushy arms and legs.

In fact, you’ve probably even received complaints; however, managing this problem may help.

You can start by trimming the hairs on your arms and legs to make them shorter; however, that’s not going to cover the problem, so you need to try some other approaches.

Ultimately, if thinning the hair does not make the arms and legs appear neater, then another alternative is to take up bicycling or swimming and use it as an excuse to completely get rid of the mess on your arms and legs.

While the sporting activities will keep you fit and healthy, the good news is that you won’t be mistaken for a Sasquatch.

Nether Regions

Manscaping Groins

This is basically the meat of the issue. The truth is that the entire body requires grooming, and overlooking any part of the body can be seen as laziness.

However, the nether regions or privates is perhaps the part that requires the most precision and expertise. This is because mistakes here will affect you more than other places, and they hurt.

However, this shouldn’t scare you too much as there is a proper way to go about manscaping your privates. First things first, and that is the basics.

You don’t need to be as smooth as a baby down there, and this is because completely shaved genitals appeal to a very small and niche group of men and women.

So if you can’t entirely see yourself belonging to either group, then leave some hair down there.

However, in the same breath, trimming too short around the balls and shaft can be unpleasant.

Even if you didn’t realize it at first, having a close shave or trim down there ultimately could result in your sacks feeling like a cactus bush, and it’s not going to be fun at all.

So the trick here is trim as close as possible, but not so close that you end up prickly. This will give you a clean look and feel.

However, this technique, on its own, may not enhance your aesthetic, but it is a great place to start.

From there on you can define your image with your position towards and use your own unique style of manscaping. One of the most important tools for this job is your electric trimmer.

What Manscaping Tools Are Needed?

Tools For Manscapping

Manscaping can be a challenge when you don’t have the right tools.

However, having the proper tools takes the effort and time out of grooming your body.

Some of the essential tools that you’ll need include:

How To Manscape Without Looking Like You Manscape

One of the best ways to transform yourself from an ape to a gentleman is to start with removing body hair.

Fortunately, that is known as manscaping. The reality is that men now spend twice as much time than women do in grooming their body hair, and they also spend more money on it.

From chest and back hair to grooming their eyebrows and legs, it seems that men are more into body grooming than women have ever been.

In fact, half of the men trim and shave their chest, leg and back hair and nearly as many men groom their eyebrows on a weekly basis as women. However, this is all a part of manscaping.

And if you follow the tips that we mentioned above, then you’ll be able to manscape without actually looking like you do.

As a bonus, you will be able to enjoy a lot of the benefits that come along with manscaping.

Some of the benefits that your experience include :

Looking Good

Man Posing

A good trim or shave allows you to accentuate your pecs and abs and also leaves you looking more toned and defined.

It’s More Hygienic

Hair tends to retain and collect molecules such as sweat, urine and dead skin cells. If they are not removed, they will fester. This is especially on a hot day or if you don’t shower regularly.

This is because hair creates the ideal breeding ground for bacteria and yeast, including STDs. So keeping your body hair trimmed or shaved leaves less room for these molecules to fester.

It’s A Confidence Booster

Men who take pride in their body are somewhat more successful in their personal and professional lives. It’s all about putting your best foot forward and presenting the best parts of yourself.

Manscaping keeps you looking fresh and slick.

You’ll Sweat Less

The reason why you sweat is to help cool down your body. However, your body is better able to regulate its temperature when there is less hair covering the skin.

Ultimately, a clean surface is a cooler surface.

Improves Your Sex Life

Feet In Bed

While lots of women do enjoy the natural look, men who shave their body hair receive more oral sex, probably because they are perceived as cleaner and more hygienic.

Full Body Manscaping Tutorial


Manscaping brings with it a series of benefits.

Irrespective of whether you are doing it for hygiene reasons or better sex, it will bring positivity into your life.

Ultimately, manscaping is designed to make you feel younger, better, cleaner and a little more confident.

So if you haven’t already started your manscaping journey, now is the best time to do so.

The ULTIMATE Men's Full Body Manscaping Tutorial! (Chest, Abs, Arms, Legs, Balls, Butt, & Pits) nonadult